Are you aware that the unused medication you throw in your dustbins and the ones generated from the hospitals or pharmaceutical industries, end up polluting our natural water resources? Yes, this is sad, but true too.
But how do these wastes get here? Through improper waste management methods, of course!
For instance, if Richmond’s Waste management organizations do not follow proper precautions, it could be highly dreadful for the rivers and other water resources of the region. However, there may be other few concepts and categories of pharmaceutical wastes that you should really have an idea of. Here are some of them:
Drugs That You Acquire Over-The-Counter (OTC):
Over-the-counter (OTC) mediations are those which you get for your body-aches or headaches and you do not require any doctor’s prescription for it. But do you think that these drugs could be disposed off in your lavatories, sinks or trash bins?
If you are in such a practice, do not do so. And if you work in a healthcare organization, it’s mandatory to consult a waste management organization of your region. For instance, drug waste management in VA could get no better assistance, than by the local medical waste disposal organizations of the region.
Controlled Drug Waste:
Controlled pharmaceutical wastes are subdivided into 5 schedules, and these are depending upon the satisfactory medical use of the drug, or its potential liability.
These 5 schedules are as follows:
- Schedule 1: The drugs of this schedule are barred from the medical use. For example heroin
- Schedule 2: Drugs in this category are high in their abuse potential, which could probably lead to high physical or psychological dependence. For example, drugs like Percocet etc.
- Schedule 3: Of this category, the drugs have comparatively lesser abuse potential and their abuse results to low or moderate level physical or psychological dependence. For example, drugs like Tylenol etc.
- Schedule 4: In this schedule, the falling substances have low potential for their abuse and drugs such as Xanax and Valium fall in this category.
- Schedule 5: The substances of this quality contain a bit of certain narcotics, whose potential abuse is almost negligible. For instance, drugs such as Robitussin etc.
Non-Hazardous Prescription Drugs:
You could classify your medications, such as for diabetes, bacterial infections and high blood pressure, in this category. And as it could be understood, these are used by the ones who suffer the related diseases.
However, these too are not fit to be discarded carelessly and they could be potentially harmful for the water resources etc. This is why the organizations pertaining to medical waste management in Richmond VA are up and active, collecting all such prescription drug wastes to dispose them securely.
Thus, management of pharmaceutical wastes too requires adequate concern. Consult an experienced and expert medical waste management organization, so that you do not contribute to polluting the rivers and harming the natural resources.
Click on the link To know hazardous waste regulations in your area.